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SPH Wins a Major Decision in a Race Discrimination Case Against the NYC Department of Education

law case

The Court, in Herrera v. N.Y.C. Dept. of Educ., No. 1:21-cv-7555-MKV, 2024 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 11786 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 23, 2024), refused to dismiss the case of our clients who were victims of a policy that made their race a qualification for remaining in their positions. Our clients are three, long-standing senior administrators who were removed from their roles at the NYC Department of Education and replaced by less qualified individuals because of Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza’s belief that merely putting people of color in senior positions would achieve equity. A United States District Judge denied the DOE’s motion to dismiss and recognized, “demoting certain employees in an effort to curate the racial composition of the staff is illegal, even if the employees who are demoted are white.” This case, which will involve testimony from both Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza, will now go to trial.

The case is The NY Post article about this significant decision can be read here:
