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Sexual Harassment Hostile Work Environment Claim Filed Against Marc Jacobs in New York City


A sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit has been brought against fashion designer Marc Jacobs' company in New York City. Patrice Lataillade states that her former supervisor created a hostile work environment by "displaying gay pornography in the office and requiring employees to look at it." Further, the complaint states that this supervisor allegedly disseminated a book, which included photos of Marc Jacobs' staff in sexual positions and required employees to "pole dance."

According to the complaint, after Lataillade complained via e-mail, she was fired less than a week later with the perpetrator allegedly telling other employees that he "takes credit" for her termination. Lataillade was employed from May 1996 to September 7, 2010, and throughout her 14 years of service, Lataillade claims she received consistently outstanding reviews as well as bonuses and promotions.

While Marc Jacobs' company drafted a sexual harassment policy in January 2010, it was not disseminated by Human Resources, and nothing was done to reprimand the perpetrator.

More about this case as available here.