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Employment Discrimination Claims Increase as Economy Worsens


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently released statistics showing that with the health of the nation's economy in decline, and unemployment rates climbing to a staggering 10% of the American population, employment discrimination claims are on the rise. In fact, EEOC has reported that private sector employees have filed a record number of discrimination claims against employers during the fiscal 2010 year, as the number of claims filed rose 7% from 2009 and even more striking, jumped up by 21% from the 2007 fiscal year.

The nature of these claims is also changing. While historically the majority of complaints in employment discrimination claims dealt with racial discrimination, last year the number retaliation claims, involving employees who complained of discrimination and then were adversely impacted, outnumbered claims of racial discrimination.

These findings raise interesting questions as to the correlation of increased lay-offs in a time of economic downfall, and the heightened possibility of employment discrimination, In such a grave working environment, employees must be weary of such discrimination and be mindful of their rights under the law.

More information can be found here.